Prof. Dr. iur. Muzaffer SEKER


Prof. Dr.Iur. Muzaffer Şeker, who conducted studies relating with Turkish, Swiss, German and European Law, wrote his doctoral dissertation in German on the Regime of Participation in Acquired Property (Der türkische und der schweizerische gesetzliche Güterstand im Vergleich) at the University of Bern, Switzerland. He still teaches undergraduate, graduate and doctorate courses on Law of Obligations, Law of Contracts and other areas of Civil Law at Istanbul Commerce University Faculty of Law. Continuing his scientific studies in the field of law, Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Şeker has many books and articles written in Turkish and German that provide solutions to current legal problems related to Turkish, Swiss and German Law. Prof.Dr.Iur. Muzaffer Şeker, who knows Turkish and German, continues with his academic and consultancy works in Istanbul.