Prof. Dr. iur. Muzaffer SEKER


  1. Member of the organizing committee of the “Current Developments in Joint Stock Companies and Capital Markets Law and Turkish-German International Symposium” jointly held by Istanbul Stock Exchange and Beykent University between 25-26 June 2010.
  2. As the Director of Istanbul Commerce University Intellectual Property and Competition Law Application and Research Center, together with TESİYEP (Television and Cinema Film Producers Professional Association), he organized a symposium on "General Transaction Conditions in the Cinema Industry (TBK 20-25), Clamping Contracts" on 26 November 2011.
  3. Organized the conference on “Control of Mergers and Acquisitions in Competition Law” on 19 April 2012 as the Director of Intellectual Property and Competition Law Practice and Research Center at Istanbul Commerce University.
  4. Organization of the conference on “Intellectual Rights on the Internet” on 17 May 2012 as the Director of Istanbul Commerce University Intellectual Property and Competition Law Application and Research Center,
  5. As the Director of Istanbul Commerce University Intellectual Property and Competition Law Application and Research Center, he organized a symposium on “International Practices in Trademark Registration and Protection” held at Istanbul Commerce University Eminönü İsmail Özarslan Conference Hall on 07-08 December 2012.
  6. As the Director of Istanbul Commerce University Intellectual Property and Competition Law Application and Research Center, he organized the panel on “Contracts and Intellectual Property Rights on the Internet” on May 23, 2014, organized by ITO and Istanbul Commerce University Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law Research and Application Center.